To address these issues, Publicis Sapient partnered with the client to revolutionize data accessibility by incorporating advanced generative AI and AI solutions. This technology facilitates precise data extraction and provides a seamless presentation of information through an innovative conversational AI interface designed for intuitive user interaction. This strategic enhancement aims not only to improve efficiency but also to transform the user experience by simplifying access to critical data and reducing the complexity of navigating the repository.
The initiative ensures the secure storage of SharePoint data on Azure. Using AWS Amplify, AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda and either Amazon Kendra or Azure Cognitive Search, users can enter their queries in a chatbox on the frontend and receive a LLM-generated response based on documents pulled from a repository.
By seamlessly integrating with AWS Gen AI, this solution transforms information retrieval, offering unparalleled efficiency and accuracy. This innovative approach not only streamlines information access but also establishes a direct link to the source, ensuring a comprehensive and seamless user experience through an intuitive web-based interface.