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Hyper-Personalized Lending

Understand your customers, tailor your engagement and transform your business with our “loan acquisition as a service” solution.

Two-thirds of customers today expect their banks to know their needs, deliver personalized engagement and tailor offers exclusively for them. But many lenders continue to drive a non-personalized approach to customer acquisition, with irrelevant offers and one-size-fits-all comms. The result? Low conversion rates and dissatisfied customers.

Five years ago, that would have been shortsighted. But today, with new digital-savvy fintechs driving growth in consumer loans, lenders without a customer-centric engagement strategy are facing a big problem.


Loan acquisition as a service

We offer an end-to-end solution for banks looking to improve their acquisition strategy by targeting the right customers in the right places with hyper-personalized customer journeys.

Our turnkey solution transforms your lending funnel and platform without the need to secure investment and deliver costly new technology from scratch.

With our modular “loan acquisition as a service” model, we can tailor the solution directly to your business requirements. We’ll define your acquisition strategy, pilot test and then scale your new proposition.

Our solution is based on four key principles:

  • Intent

    Assessing your customers' wants and needs and identifying the audience with the highest intent.

    Top of mind

    Using online and offline triggers, reaching your target audience when lending is top of their mind.


    Delivering personalized engagement that resonates with their wants and needs.

    Always on

    Listening to emerging signals and being first with personalized engagement.

A 360-degree view of your customer

It all starts with the customer.  

Through Publicis Groupe company Epsilon, we have access to personal data from more than 200 million customers. We enrich this with your own data to create a personalized view of each customer.

  • Who am I?

    and lifestyle

    What I buy?

    Online and
    of ̃ine purchases


    What I watch?

    Broadcast and
    digital consumption

    What I browse?


    Where I go?

    Location and

    How I connect?


In total, we scrutinize more than 7,000 attributes to build a holistic picture of your target audience.


A tale of two customers
Take these two customers. From a demographic perspective they’re

  • Demographics

    Female 60, Married, Income $250K


    Female 60, Married, Income $250K

But delve deeper into their details and a different picture emerges. They have different needs, different interests and desires and they interact across different touchpoints. They’re two unique individuals. We’ll target these customers with messaging tailored their requirements on their favorite platforms.

  • Recent Browsing

    Home Improvement, Organic Produce,
    Farm Shares, Exercise Equipment, Yoga

    Individual Attribute

    Gardner, In-store Channel Preference,
    Gift Giver, Golf Enthusiast, Home Cook

    Recent Browsing

    Real Estate, International Travel,
    Health and Ageing, Luxury Fashion

    Individual Attribute

    Online Channel Preference, Dining Out,
    Beauty Consumer, Fitness Enthusiast,
    Music Enthusiast

Hyper-personalized messaging

Whether they want to borrow money to pay for a new swimming pool, cover medical expenses or consolidate their debts, we will identify their context, wants and needs and design personalized messaging that resonates with them.

We’ll create and test these value propositions and manage the activation and channel optimization to ensure the right messaging reaches the right customers in the right places. We’ll also create individual path-to-purchase journeys to engage, nurture, retarget and convert each customer, wherever they are in their journey.

Test, optimize, scale

With your value propositions and activation strategies defined, we’ll run a pilot test to optimize your strategy. Using multiple data points, we’ll assess the effectiveness of the messaging, refine the intent model based on the customer response and optimize your acquisition strategy against your business objectives.


Some key stats from our existing clients

increase in new card sign-ups for one credit card issuer
increase in reach for a leading online bank
higher click-through rate for one bank

Bespoke pricing plans

Due to the modular, integrated nature of our solution, each solution we create is unique. We can price on business outcomes, journey outcomes or on the number of components required for your bespoke lending solution.

A solution for any business

Although built with lending in mind, our solution can be customized to almost any financial services product, including:

  • Credit products

    Loans, home equity, mortgages, credit cards.

    Deposit products

    Checking, savings.

    Wealth management

    Brokerage, investment products, advisory services.


    Home, motor or health insurance.

Mahesh Raghavan
Mahesh Raghavan
Associate Managing Director, Management Consulting, Financial Services, Publicis Sapient
Greg Osenga
SVP, Publicis Groupe
Deb Bergin
VP, Hawkeye
Michael Catalina
Director, Epsilon
Michael Smith
VP, Epsilon